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    Kerry regarding Clinton's Perjury

If George W. Bush lied, then-
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Protecting Your Quality of Life -
                          It's Really Up To You.

The best way to protect your privacy is to take control of personal information. After all, you own it.

The best way to protect your civil liberties is to learn who is out there trying to dimish it.

The information presented here may inspire you to become more actively involved
to better protect the various rights granted to all of us under the United States Constitution. Learn what has happened to others, what is under attack, and who is doing it.

Barack Obama
"There is an individual right to bear arms, but it is subject to common-sense regulation, just like most of our rights are subject to common-sense regulation."

Congressman Edward J. Markey - A Call to Action
March 17, 2005 - Congress has put the profit into IDENTITY theft. What will you do to stop it - No reply yet.  [text of letter]

Dave Letterman quoting John Kerry
Florida has had three hurricanes in the last month and George Bush has done nothing to stop them!

Jay Leno called John Kerry
I called John Kerry and got his answering machine. I knew it was John's because there was no message on it.

John Kerry's view of President George Bush
He has done everything wrong and I have a plan to do everything right. Please vote for me, before you vote against me.

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